Monday 8 September 2008

Self study 08/09/08

As my self study today I read a newspaper about Hackney borough where I live. I read about rycacling action and a law which says that there are going to be financial penatly for people who drop litter and do not clean after their pupils. It is said that over 9 milion pounds have to be spent on cleaning Hackney's streets. I also watched TV's news and I found out that there was a man killed in Hackney today. This is horrible what is heppening here. I also practised my presentation for tomorrow- I feel quite confident but I need to do it few times more to be sure that I will be ready. New learnt vocabulary:
* crackdown- rozprawa(z+ inst)
* lout- cham, prostak
* launch- wodowanie, wystrzelenie
* filthy- bardzo brudny( person)
- sprosny, plugawy( language)
- ohydny(behaviour)
* weed- chwast, plewić

Friday 5 September 2008

a little bit relax

As my today's self study I decided to read a book about yoga practise. I borrowed it from my library and it seems to be very interesting one. I am realy interested in practising yoga and this is why I love getting new information about this fitness. I have read about the "asanas" condition which cleanses the body. It can be recognized as stretches, twists, bends and inversion(odwroty) of your body. The "pranayama" condition is more spiritual and gives the balance to your soul. If you practise reguraly both asanas and pranayama it will control your breathing, recticy physical, physilogical and psychological disorders. It is very important for practitioners not to focus just on the physical health but put some attention to the mind as well. If my body is appropriately balanced it will help me to deal with stress and health disorders. In fact I found out very interesting informationa and learnt new vocaulary as well.

Thursday 4 September 2008

self study 04/08/08

Today is the last day to finish off our essays. I am afraid that there can be some mistakes. I am not going to change anything now- hopefully it will be fine. I am going to focus on my self study now- I mean practise of grammar and reading my modules books. Today I read some books about business to deep my knowledge of this subject for my presentation next week. I wrote a lot of new phrases and words to remember and better uderstand the meaning of them. I also found nice website where I can practise my english grammar. The new words are:
* to preserve- zachowywac( custom, independence)
* indeed- istotnie( certainly, in fact)
- wręcz (furthermore)
* dimensial process- ...wymiarowy proces
* inhabit- zamieszkiwac
* reinforce inequality- wzmacniac nierownosci
* pursue national interest- realizowac interes
* collaboration- wspólpraca
* enhance- podnosic( value)
- poprawiac (reputation)
* collective- zbiorowy( zespol)
* alliance- przymierze, sojusz
* engage- zajmowac( attention)
* to engage in- zajmowac sie+ instr.
* venue- miejsce
* venture- przedsiewziecie
* vested interest- ulokowany kapital
* pursuit- zajęcie( pastime), pogoń

Wednesday 3 September 2008

My essay is done!

For the last three days I have been working very hard writing my essay. Today I finished it and it makes me very happy. It was quite hard work to write about my subject area because there was so many information and at the same time nothing. I had to chose appropriate information and make them sensible. By the way I learnt a lot of proffesional vocabulary during reading all these books. I can say it was very useful lesson for me due to accademic reading and writing.Classes with Susannah have been very helpful as well, otherwise I would have no clue about referencing and plagiarism. I can see that I have improved my vocaulary but I am not sure about the grammar. I will find out when Susannah assesses my work. Ops....I am a little bit scared of this. Hopefully everything will be ok because I made so much effort to do it as best as I could.