Thursday 4 September 2008

self study 04/08/08

Today is the last day to finish off our essays. I am afraid that there can be some mistakes. I am not going to change anything now- hopefully it will be fine. I am going to focus on my self study now- I mean practise of grammar and reading my modules books. Today I read some books about business to deep my knowledge of this subject for my presentation next week. I wrote a lot of new phrases and words to remember and better uderstand the meaning of them. I also found nice website where I can practise my english grammar. The new words are:
* to preserve- zachowywac( custom, independence)
* indeed- istotnie( certainly, in fact)
- wręcz (furthermore)
* dimensial process- ...wymiarowy proces
* inhabit- zamieszkiwac
* reinforce inequality- wzmacniac nierownosci
* pursue national interest- realizowac interes
* collaboration- wspólpraca
* enhance- podnosic( value)
- poprawiac (reputation)
* collective- zbiorowy( zespol)
* alliance- przymierze, sojusz
* engage- zajmowac( attention)
* to engage in- zajmowac sie+ instr.
* venue- miejsce
* venture- przedsiewziecie
* vested interest- ulokowany kapital
* pursuit- zajęcie( pastime), pogoń

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