Monday 8 September 2008

Self study 08/09/08

As my self study today I read a newspaper about Hackney borough where I live. I read about rycacling action and a law which says that there are going to be financial penatly for people who drop litter and do not clean after their pupils. It is said that over 9 milion pounds have to be spent on cleaning Hackney's streets. I also watched TV's news and I found out that there was a man killed in Hackney today. This is horrible what is heppening here. I also practised my presentation for tomorrow- I feel quite confident but I need to do it few times more to be sure that I will be ready. New learnt vocabulary:
* crackdown- rozprawa(z+ inst)
* lout- cham, prostak
* launch- wodowanie, wystrzelenie
* filthy- bardzo brudny( person)
- sprosny, plugawy( language)
- ohydny(behaviour)
* weed- chwast, plewić

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