Saturday 23 August 2008

Self study 23/08/08

This afternoon as my self study I did homework which Robin and Susannah asked us to do. It was ok however I had to use the dictionary to fulfill my vocabulary. I am going to list these words and write the meaning of them in polish language. Although I know it would be more beneficial for me if I wrote it in English, but I will use my blog as a kind of notebook which I will learn from. When I remember these words properly I will write them again with English synonymes to increase my knowledge. I know most of these words but I will translate them once again to keep them on mind.
* the soil- gleba
* to exhaust- wyczerpywać
* the expertise- wiedza, umiejetność
* the pastime- hobby
* vignette reveal- portret ujawniać
* trivial- błahy, trywialny
* to propel- napędzać maszyne, popychać czlowieka
* to spring up- wyrastac( jak grzyby po deszczu)
* to dispute- spierać sie, spór
* the tribulations- troski
* the trials- przykre przejścia
* the sovereignty- suwerenność
* the myth- mit
* remain intact- pozostawać nienaruszony
* the fund manager- menadzer od funduszy
* solely - jedynie, wyłącznie
* intimate- bliski, intymny
* to intimate that- dawać do zrozumienia
* to compete- rywalizować, brać udział
* impoverished- zubożały
* despair- rozpacz
* to despair of- tracić nadzieje na.., wątpić w...
* merely- tylko, jedynie
* abound- mnożyć sie
* hence- stąd, w związku z tym
* dimly- blado, słabo, mgliście
* the will- wola

Reading the lecture text which Susannah gave to us was very useful as practise of academical reading. I undersood that while reading long texts I have to take notes straight away not to waste my time for first reading. I became convinced that it is possible to understand the text properly even if I do not know all vocabulary used there. I put my attention on grammar of the lecture text as well. I am sure that the notes which I have taken will be very helpful during preparation of our poster.

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