Tuesday 26 August 2008

Self study 26/08/08

I have been very active today. I read a little bit about student services which booklet I have taken from the Admission Centre . I also tried to find out which days I am going to spend at the university but unfortunately I did not find the option for part- time course so I will ask again tomorrow. I found some information for my essay(in particular examples which I need) and I am going to read more about it now.Maybe I will find the information capable of placing in my work. I studied with my boyfriend - we learnt the vocabulary from my blog spot and some other sources as well.
I am going to write some sentenses using new- learnt vocabulary:
* My problems may seem to be trivial to other people but I am despairing of solving them.
* Some companies exploit their employee but the trade union is going to take care of them.
* Globalisation process is a long- lasting evolution of the world, but the main question is if it will be profitable in the future.
* Working and studing has its pros and cons but the student needs to reveal a hard- working stance to deal with it.

Today's new vocabulary:
* to hold somebody in high esteem- darzyc kogos wielkim szacunkiem
* the principle- zasada; in principle- w zasadzie; on principle- dla zasady
* the compassion-współczucie
* the fad- przelotna, chwilowa moda
* the abusive situation- obrażliwa sytuacja
* to insist on sth- upirac sie przy czyms
* compliance(with) - uległość, podporzadkowanie sie
* commitment- zobowiązanie, zaangażowanie
* fragrance- zapach

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